
Major News: MOTW Official Site Update; New Site to Launch by January 10th.

Hey there.

Before I go further with the news, I want to announce that this will be the next to last post from the MOTW blog site. I'll explain later on in this post.

Now, the last post mentioned that the official MOTW website was going to be up and running during the January 1-3 weekend.

Well that weekend came and went, and the site is still not up and running.

First of all, my apologies about that. Some factors were behind the delay, most importantly, dealing with several problems getting the look of the site to work. Also, I've had to deal with some real life stuff that took me away from working on the site.

So, with that out of the way, I am back working on the site and the new launch date.

If things work out, the new site will be up and running no later than January 10th. It may be up earlier than that, but the site will be up on 1/10/10. I kind of like the symmetry of that.

While getting the site off the ground, I've been noticing some new features that will be a part of it, including an offical MOTW Web Series roster, a place for photos and videos, and some other bells and whistles.

One of those new features is a blog site to post official news and updates.

Which brings me to this announcement: the moment that the new site is up, this very blog site will no longer be updated. I'll still keep it around as an archive for the time being. But, the next time I update this blog - when I announce that the new site is live - will be the last time.

I'll save the goodbyes and thank yous till then. But I thought I'd let you know right now.

Oh, and the MOTW Facebook page will launch on the 10th as well.

That's it for now. Stay tuned for the next -- and final -- post on the blog and the launch of the new website.


Ronald said...

Psst. You never posted on here that you got your new official MOTW site up and running a couple weeks ago! :)

Anonymous said...

As usual, no news. Nothing. Nada. The usual apologies, new launch date (seriously, why even put a launch date on for the films or website when the dates come and go anyway?). It's mid February.

Oh, and you'll have a new website? Wow, not that you've been jumping from myspace to youtube to blogspot to facebook.

I had high hopes for the film series, but the constant changes, missed launch/debut dates, and lack of information spoiled it.

MarkOne said...

To J,

For some reason, the post I made in January 10 wasn't listed. I looked it up and it is up now.

And for your information, the new site is up and has been since January. The other sites will remain active, although updates will be on the new site, and the series is continuing.

I urge you to visit the site for the latest updates.