
Major News: MOTW Teaser to Premiere This Week!!

Hey there. I have a very short, but important update:

The teaser trailer for MOTW will debut sometime this week!

The rough edit is now complete, clocking in at just over two minutes. All the visual shots have been chosen and now I am moving on to the audio feed, laying down the sound effects and music. Once that's done, it will be ready to go.

That means that sometime this week, the teaser will have its world premiere on the web. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe even Sunday night at 11:59pm, but it will happen this week for sure.

So that's it for now. The next update I'll post on here will be the biggest yet for the movie.

That's when the long anticipated teaser trailer will debut.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Ronald said...

Ooh, that's big news! I'm excited to see what you've put together for the teaser!