Major News: MOTW Web Series Episode 1 PREMIERE!!
After several months of talk, planning, constant delays and hard work, MOTW: The WebSeries is now officially up and running.
Here is the first episode, "Conundrum", directed by William Phelps.
I want to thank Will for being able to put this together. He had to deal with a lot of delays with this episode, but at long last it is up.
So with that, the webseries is off and running.
From here on in, a NEW original episode will debut each month leading up to the full length movie's premiere.
Stay tuned for future posts as you'll find out what will be next month's episode.
Major News: MOTW Web Series Second Trailer PREMIERE, First Episode Debuts This Sunday!!!
I know it's been a while since my last update, and I have gotten a few notices about what's been going on in regards to MOTW. I appreciate the notes, but as I mentioned once before, I want the updates to be important.
And this one is no exception.
First off, I've put together a new trailer to promote the webseries. This one is shorter than the first one, running just over two minutes. And it also contains footage from some of the early episodes that are in development.
Here it is:
I want to thank William Phelps, Sterling Gazdik, Tony Gardner, Tim Vogt and Brad Fish for providing footage for the new trailer. I also want to thank Eric Smigiel for doing an outstanding job with the narration as well. This is the second trailer Eric has done for MOTW. He also appeared in the promo trailer for the movie last year.
Now the other big news: The first episode of the series will premiere Sunday night (June 8th).
Will Phelps, who's doing the opening episode, has finally gotten around to fixing up the episode after several delays and will be releasing it on Sunday. When it's released, you'll see it here, on the MOTW MySpace page and on YouTube.
It's been a long time coming, but at last, the web series will finally be getting off the ground.
Stay tuned for the world premiere of the first episode on the next update.